Friday, June 17, 2016


Okay, a little warning, lots of insulting coming... Anyways, in case people don't know, 50 people were killed at a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida, by a muslim extremist... AND PEOPLE SAY THAT ISLAM DOESN'T TEACH VIOLENCE!!!!! THE GUY JUST KILLED 50 GAY PEOPLE IN A CLUB!!!! Well, if you think that killing gay people is bad, just wait until you hear what a land shark with a beard, Pastor Steve Anderson, said. "The good news is that at least 50 of these pedophiles are not going to be harming children anymore. The bad news is that a lot of the homos in the bar are still alive, so they’re going to continue to molest children and recruit people into their filthy homosexual lifestyle.” FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU!!!!! At least he said that he didn't approve of the shooters actions, but only because "These people all should have been killed anyway, but they should have been killed through the proper channels, as in, they should’ve been executed by a righteous government."
You say Christianity is a religion of peace?! YOU'RE CONDEMNING PEOPLE USING HATRED YOU FUCKING BABOON!!! YOU SHOULDN'T EVEN EXIST!!!! WE ARE NOT PEDOPHILES!!! THE DEFINITION OF BEING GAY IS BEING ATTRACTED TO THE SAME SEX!!!! PEDOPHILES ARE DIFFERENT!!!! CAN YOU JUST VIEW US AS ACTUAL PEOPLE, AND NOT TRY AND PLEASE YOUR FUCKING HOMOPHOBIC RACIST GOD!?!!?? If a god is telling you that killing gay people is okay, there is something wrong with that god! Killing people is not okay!!! I don't care what you believe, KILLING INNOCENT PEOPLE IS MURDER!!!!! So go die in a fucking hole you sadistic asshole! Fucking stop talking and go duct tape your mouth shut!
Yes, I might be inciting violence by telling him to go die, but please, no one actually go to prison for killing him. He just needs to stop blabbering his stupid pitbull of a mouth! Sorry if this offends anyone, but the take home of this short post, is to STOP BEING HOMOPHOBIC!!!!!!

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